Please choose Capuchin Community Services and its ministries at House of Peace and Saint Ben’s Community Meal for #GivingTuesday.
Since 1968 CCS has supported people in need in the greater Milwaukee community. Your support on Giving Tuesday can help many people living in difficult circumstances!
The HOP Emergency Food Pantry serves families and seniors five days each week with some of the most extended service hours. The House of Peace includes a free clothes closet, school supplies, hygiene supplies, and many other services.
St. Ben’s Community Meal offers services every weekday and is the city’s best-known and longest-running free meal program, serving Sundays through Fridays. Guests can access a free laundromat, free secure showers, eyeglasses, help to get birth certificates, and prescription co-pay assistance.
Like all of us, our guests are trying to cope with rising food prices, strained supply lines, and the uncertainty of how Covid impacts our economy. Please help us lift spirits and bring hope. Every donation helps. Bless you!
To donate through the mail:
Capuchin Community Services